
Showing posts from October, 2016

Time to accept that both sides made misleading claims during the EU Referendum, and move on.

The post below was initially published on 29th October 2016 on the original URL for this blog under the title, "The nonsense from both sides continues even after the EU referendum." Seven years later some people who were on each of the Leave and Remain sides are STILL pointing out the misleading claims made by the side they did not support as if that somehow excuses those made by their own. At the bottom of the article there is a link to all the "Worst of both worlds" posts I published during the EU referendum, giving chapter and verse of some of the worst misleading claims by both sides. It really would be a good idea to move on from all this, but since as at June 2023 some people on both sides are still in their trenches from seven years ago, I wanted this index to the sins of both campaigns to be available on the new site for this blog and have copied it over. Obviously what appears below was written before Britain actually left the EU, before the pandemic, and b