The other Conservative leadership election

There are two Conservative leadership elections underway at the moment.

Six MPs are standing to succeed Rishi Sunak as Party leader. After their fellow Conservative MPs have whittled them down to four, those four candidates will get to speak at Party Conference. The MPs will then vote on the final two who go to a vote of the whole membership.

Voting starts tomorrow (28th August) in another Conservative election - to elect the national officers of the voluntary party who also sit on the party board.

At the moment the people who hold these offices are elected by members of the National Conservative Convention - which mostly means constituency chairmen plus some regional and area officers. Some candidates for the party leadership have suggested there is a case of extending the franchise to a wider group, perhaps all party members for some Conservative elections including that of party chairman. I think there is a case for this and will follow the detailed proposals from leadership contenders with interest. 

If anyone reading this is a member of the convention, you should have had an email with the details of the people nominated, and should get another tomorrow with details of how to vote. If you don't I suggest you contact CCHQ.


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